All about the Benjamins

My favorite genre of shooting is the portrait. Up until this new camera, I've shot people almost exclusively. There is something gratifying about capturing the individual at just the right moment that reflects something of their character. Then of course, posting and having them use it as a facebook profile! Anyway, this is Ben. He has been my main subject of portraiture for almost a decade and this is perhaps my favorite photograph of him to date. Ben is a photographer himself, endlessly fascinated by nudes (but aren't we all)! A prolific bicyclist, a stickler for design, and adored by cats everywhere. Ben was also the person who introduced me to NYC, inspired me to make the move to the big city, and is nuts for coffee (also a universal)! All things that can be deduced from this shot. My portraiture isn't always so literal to the character, often times its not much more than a trademark expression, but that's just how this one ended up.

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